
my sis asked me wat is this word bout.....
technically.... this word means a formal expression of praise.....
do u ever ask urself how long that v havent been [Encomium].....
i can barely tell u that.... a long long ago.....
sigh.... does this do any important to me???
nope.... of cuz.... hahaha....
kinda lame up there....
ok...ok.... be patient....
i'm not very well on these days...
i juz slept less than 4 fours this morning....
dont noe what happen to me.....
juz simply simply cant sleep well...
keep awaking....
that 'yuck'....
my head gonna exploded....
damn.... fXXk.....
i juz need a good sleep....
its 0000 now.....
still awake....


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